Source code for pompy.demos

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Demonstrations of setting up models and visualising outputs."""

from __future__ import division

__authors__ = 'Matt Graham'
__license__ = 'MIT'

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import numpy as np
from pompy import models, processors

DEFAULT_SEED = 20181108

[docs]def set_up_figure(fig_size=(10, 5)): """Set up Matplotlib figure with simulation time title text. Parameters ---------- title_text : string Text to set figure title to. fig_size : tuple Figure dimensions in inches in order `(width, height)`. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fig_size) title = ax.set_title('Simulation time = ---- seconds') return fig, ax, title
[docs]def update_decorator(dt, title, steps_per_frame, models): """Decorator for animation update methods.""" def inner_decorator(update_function): def wrapped_update(i): for j in range(steps_per_frame): for model in models: model.update(dt) t = i * steps_per_frame * dt title.set_text('Simulation time = {0:.3f} seconds'.format(t)) return [title] + update_function(i) return wrapped_update return inner_decorator
[docs]def wind_model_demo(dt=0.01, t_max=100, steps_per_frame=20, seed=DEFAULT_SEED): """Set up wind model and animate velocity field with quiver plot. Parameters ---------- dt : float Simulation timestep. t_max : float End time to simulate to. steps_per_frame: integer Number of simulation time steps to perform between animation frames. seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Returns ------- fig : Figure Matplotlib figure object. ax : AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis object. anim : FuncAnimation Matplotlib animation object. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # define simulation region wind_region = models.Rectangle(x_min=0., x_max=100., y_min=-25., y_max=25.) # set up wind model wind_model = models.WindModel(wind_region, 21, 11, rng=rng) # let simulation run for 10s to equilibrate wind model for t in np.arange(0, 10, dt): wind_model.update(dt) # generate figure and attach close event fig, ax, title = set_up_figure() # create quiver plot of initial velocity field vf_plot = ax.quiver(wind_model.x_points, wind_model.y_points, wind_model.velocity_field.T[0], wind_model.velocity_field.T[1], width=0.003) # expand axis limits to make vectors at boundary of field visible ax.axis(ax.axis() + np.array([-0.25, 0.25, -0.25, 0.25])) ax.set_xlabel('x-coordinate / m') ax.set_ylabel('y-coordinate / m') ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() # define update function @update_decorator(dt, title, steps_per_frame, [wind_model]) def update(i): vf_plot.set_UVC( wind_model.velocity_field.T[0], wind_model.velocity_field.T[1]) return [vf_plot] # create animation object n_frame = int(t_max / (dt * steps_per_frame) + 0.5) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, n_frame, blit=True) return fig, ax, anim
[docs]def plume_model_demo(dt=0.01, t_max=100, steps_per_frame=200, seed=DEFAULT_SEED): """Set up plume model and animate puffs overlayed over velocity field. Puff positions displayed using Matplotlib `scatter` plot function and velocity field displayed using `quiver` plot function. plot and quiver functions. Parameters ---------- dt : float Simulation timestep. t_max : float End time to simulate to. steps_per_frame: integer Number of simulation time steps to perform between animation frames. seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Returns ------- fig : Figure Matplotlib figure object. ax : AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis object. anim : FuncAnimation Matplotlib animation object. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # define simulation region sim_region = models.Rectangle(x_min=0., x_max=100, y_min=-25., y_max=25.) # set up wind model wind_model = models.WindModel(sim_region, 21, 11, rng=rng) # let simulation run for 10s to equilibrate wind model for t in np.arange(0, 10, dt): wind_model.update(dt) # set up plume model plume_model = models.PlumeModel( sim_region, (5., 0., 0.), wind_model, rng=rng) # set up figure window fig, ax, title = set_up_figure() # create quiver plot of initial velocity field # quiver expects first array dimension (rows) to correspond to y-axis # therefore need to transpose vf_plot = plt.quiver( wind_model.x_points, wind_model.y_points, wind_model.velocity_field.T[0], wind_model.velocity_field.T[1], width=0.003) # expand axis limits to make vectors at boundary of field visible ax.axis(ax.axis() + np.array([-0.25, 0.25, -0.25, 0.25])) # draw initial puff positions with scatter plot radius_mult = 200 pp_plot = plt.scatter( plume_model.puff_array[:, 0], plume_model.puff_array[:, 1], radius_mult * plume_model.puff_array[:, 3]**0.5, c='r', edgecolors='none') ax.set_xlabel('x-coordinate / m') ax.set_ylabel('y-coordinate / m') ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() # define update function @update_decorator(dt, title, steps_per_frame, [wind_model, plume_model]) def update(i): # update velocity field quiver plot data vf_plot.set_UVC(wind_model.velocity_field[:, :, 0].T, wind_model.velocity_field[:, :, 1].T) # update puff position scatter plot positions and sizes pp_plot.set_offsets(plume_model.puff_array[:, :2]) pp_plot._sizes = radius_mult * plume_model.puff_array[:, 3]**0.5 return [vf_plot, pp_plot] # create animation object n_frame = int(t_max / (dt * steps_per_frame) + 0.5) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=n_frame, blit=True) return fig, ax, anim
[docs]def conc_point_val_demo(dt=0.01, t_max=5, steps_per_frame=1, x=10., y=0.0, seed=DEFAULT_SEED): """Set up plume model and animate concentration at a point as time series. Demonstration of setting up plume model and processing the outputted puff arrays with the ConcentrationPointValueCalculator class, the resulting concentration time course at a point in the odour plume being displayed with the Matplotlib `plot` function. Parameters ---------- dt : float Simulation timestep. t_max : float End time to simulate to. steps_per_frame: integer Number of simulation time steps to perform between animation frames. x : float x-coordinate of point to measure concentration at. y : float y-coordinate of point to measure concentration at. seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Returns ------- fig : Figure Matplotlib figure object. ax : AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis object. anim : FuncAnimation Matplotlib animation object. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # define simulation region sim_region = models.Rectangle(x_min=0., x_max=100, y_min=-25., y_max=25.) # set up wind model wind_model = models.WindModel(sim_region, 21, 11, rng=rng) # set up plume model plume_model = models.PlumeModel( sim_region, (5., 0., 0.), wind_model, rng=rng) # let simulation run for 10s to initialise models for t in np.arange(0, 10, dt): wind_model.update(dt) plume_model.update(dt) # set up concentration point value calculator val_calc = processors.ConcentrationValueCalculator(1.) conc_vals = [] conc_vals.append(val_calc.calc_conc_point(plume_model.puff_array, x, y)) ts = [0.] # set up figure fig, ax, title = set_up_figure() # display initial concentration field as image conc_line, = plt.plot(ts, conc_vals) ax.set_xlim(0., t_max) ax.set_ylim(0., 150.) ax.set_xlabel('Time / s') ax.set_ylabel('Normalised concentration') ax.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() # define update function @update_decorator(dt, title, steps_per_frame, [wind_model, plume_model]) def update(i): ts.append(dt * i * steps_per_frame) conc_vals.append( val_calc.calc_conc_point(plume_model.puff_array, x, y)) conc_line.set_data(ts, conc_vals) return [conc_line] # create animation object n_frame = int(t_max / (dt * steps_per_frame) + 0.5) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=n_frame, blit=True) return fig, ax, anim
[docs]def concentration_array_demo(dt=0.01, t_max=100, steps_per_frame=50, seed=DEFAULT_SEED): """Set up plume model and animate concentration fields. Demonstration of setting up plume model and processing the outputted puff arrays with the `ConcentrationArrayGenerator` class, the resulting arrays being displayed with the Matplotlib `imshow` function. Parameters ---------- dt : float Simulation timestep. t_max : float End time to simulate to. steps_per_frame: integer Number of simulation time steps to perform between animation frames. seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Returns ------- fig : Figure Matplotlib figure object. ax : AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis object. anim : FuncAnimation Matplotlib animation object. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) # define simulation region sim_region = models.Rectangle(x_min=0., x_max=100, y_min=-25., y_max=25.) # set up wind model wind_model = models.WindModel(sim_region, 21, 11, rng=rng) # set up plume model plume_model = models.PlumeModel( sim_region, (5., 0., 0.), wind_model, rng=rng) # let simulation run for 10s to initialise models for t in np.arange(0, 10, dt): wind_model.update(dt) plume_model.update(dt) # set up concentration array generator array_gen = processors.ConcentrationArrayGenerator( sim_region, 0.01, 500, 250, 1.) # set up figure fig, ax, title = set_up_figure() # display initial concentration field as image conc_array = array_gen.generate_single_array(plume_model.puff_array) conc_im = plt.imshow(conc_array.T, extent=sim_region, cmap='Reds', vmin=0., vmax=1.) ax.set_xlabel('x-coordinate / m') ax.set_ylabel('y-coordinate / m') ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() # define update function @update_decorator(dt, title, steps_per_frame, [wind_model, plume_model]) def update(i): conc_im.set_data( array_gen.generate_single_array(plume_model.puff_array).T) return [conc_im] # create animation object n_frame = int(t_max / (dt * steps_per_frame) + 0.5) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=n_frame, blit=True) return fig, ax, anim